The Power of Hypnotic Trance

UntitledReading the word ‘trance’, you might think of some relaxing music or a hypnotherapists swinging pendulum.

However, the phenomenon is more common than you think. From being in a state of bewilderment to being forgetful, we experience many trance-like states in our daily lives.

The power of hypnotic trance can only be utilized by first having a thorough hold on what it really is.

Let us first understand it and then explore how it can empower us:

Understanding Hypnotic Trance

A trance is a state of deep relaxation in which our physical bodies are calm but the mind stays absolutely wide awake. It is a focused condition in which the concentration levels are at their peak.

The ability to experience trance is basically made up of three components:


Dissociation is when your mind gets completely tuned out. It’s a sort of daydreaming state. It is a condition in which a person is not self-aware.


Being absorbed in an activity means being completely lost in it, having no sense of what’s going on in the surroundings. This state is commonly achieved by people engrossed in books or while being immersed in a sport.


Suggestible people are those who are more likely to agree or adopt a group’s norm. It is not synonymous with vulnerability; it’s just that these people are more sensitive to what is expected or acceptable in a particular situation.

Utilizing the Power of Trance

This may seem quite simplified but generally, our brains comprise two halves; the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere.

The right hemisphere is the seat of creative thoughts and emotions whereas, the left hemisphere leans more towards rationality and problem solving. The state of trance brings together these two hemispheres by synchronizing their powers, and hence an elevated state of consciousness. This state is what you might call an “artist’s dream”. Writers and mathematicians around the world crave this profound height of consciousness.

What about people who don’t have these extraordinary mental faculties? Well, trance is uniquely human and can be employed by anybody to enrich their experiences and more generally, enhance their lives.

From your fear of snakes to your anxiety when speaking in public, hypnotic trance can be used to change many of your unfavorable traits by communicating with the subconscious.

Trance-like states also have the power to change you for the better. They can help you study better and carry out goals, such as losing weight or quitting smoking.

Being a professionally trained and certified hypnotist, Rekha Shrivastava can help you harness the power of trance to make lasting changes to your life.

From providing comprehensive weight loss programs to pain management through hypnosis, she has helped many clients across Rochester, New York. Visit the website to know more.

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