How To Help A Gen-Z Kid With Their Mental Health Struggle

70% of Gen-Zers said they needed mental health support, according to Forbes. This generation might be the youngest group with an adult population in today’s world, and they’re growing up fast. They require extensive help and support because they’re prone to so many mental health concerns, what with the changing global landscape, climate change, social structures and pressures, and more.

The mental health problems that Gen-Z faces can be addressed in multiple ways, including:

Raise them to be aware of their mental health

Raise your children and young adults and empower them to beware of their mental health struggles. It’s crucial that we teach them to be cognizant of their well-being and show them that it’s okay to experience and feel different emotions. They should know what healthy emotions and feelings look like and what could be an indicator that something is wrong. The best way to identify that is through talking to them. What’s incredible is that this generation is incredibly open and receptive to the conversation, to begin with!

Encourage self-care and self-preservation

One thing that previous generations greatly missed out on in lieu of social stigma is the ability to practice self-care. Teach your youth how to engage in self-care and self-preservation by learning to draw boundaries, ask for help, and move past their phobia of expressing feelings. Encourage them to move their bodies, focus on their minds, and build a better relationship with themselves.

Get them the help and professional support they need

To truly address mental health problems in Gen-Z, you need to give them access to professional help and support. From therapy to counseling to hypnosis for mental health, there’s a lot that they will benefit from emotionally. It’s essential that we empower and encourage them to seek out support rather than stigmatizing it.

Teens and young people in today’s generation are facing insurmountable pressure and stress. We can’t even begin to comprehend how difficult their lives are and how challenging it is for them to cope with a failing global economy, climate crises, and mental health struggles, in addition to their personal problems. Seek help at Blossom Hypnosis with guidance from Rekha Shrivastava. Our  hypnosis services in Pittsford and Rochester, NY, focus on treating anxiety and depression, among other concerns that clients bring. Contact us today for a free consultation in-person or on Skype.

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