Have An Irrational Fear Of Spiders Or Elevators? How Hypnosis Can Help

You know what’s about to happen when the roller coaster you’re riding on hesitates just for a split second, right at the top of the track. You may perhaps even welcome the exhilarating drop from the steep track, palms sweating and heart racing.

The excitement and exhilarating fear accompanied during a roller coaster ride or any other extreme sport doesn’t activate our fight or flight response, so what does? Why do some people have an irrational fear of spiders and swimming pools, while others don’t? The answer may surprise you.

Phobias And Its Connection with Fear

Fear is necessary. As one of the most basic human emotions, it’s fear that protects and alerts us. Feeling afraid is natural, without which, we won’t know how to deal with the situation presented.

Like other emotions, people can feel different levels of fear but there’s reason to worry if the feeling is constant against any particular situation, such as being in an elevator.

When it comes to their fear, many phobia sufferers are confused with the emotion. In some cases, people even know that their fear of spiders or closed spaces is irrational but this feeling dominates every other reasoning. You are powerless when it comes to altering your reaction towards such a situation.

What Really Happens IN the Mind

It is our primitive subconscious mind that is responsible for creating a phobic or fear response in us. These responses can actually become quite useful when the person is under real threat or attack as this garners a reaction that can protect the person experiencing fear.

In order for our quick instincts, i.e. the fight or flight response to take over, the slower decision making part of our brain is by-passed completely. This allows the protective (primitive) part of the brain to take over, which in turn, leads us to make an instant decision purely based on how we may have reacted in the past.

The Subconscious Mind and Our Reaction to Fear

When does this fear become into an irrational phobia? Sometime in the past, our subconscious mind is almost compelled to protect from the object of our fear. The mind has already decided its reaction against the same situation; therefore, deciding to no longer be afraid isn’t an option anymore.

Once any fear – whether spiders or elevators – is turned into a phobia, our mind will automatically switch to auto-pilot and react instinctively. It’s this part that has to be changed to rid someone of an irrational phobia and that is why hypnotherapy is used.

Hypnosis can be used to implant positive suggestion in the mind, this much is known. It can however be also used to re-train the part of your mind to react differently against a particular phobia. Consult with Rekha Shrivastava and find out how. hypnosis in rochester ny,

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