3 Signs That You Have a Codependent Personality

Nobody wants to be labeled as codependent. The thing about codependency, though, is that you don’t always realize you’re exhibiting traits because of how natural and obvious they seem to you.

Here are a few signs that you might have a codependent personality.

Caretaking Tendencies

Do you frequently feel like the “caretaker” in your relationship with others? Take a moment to reflect on your relationships with your loved ones and acquaintances. Do you often feel responsible for their feelings, behaviors, and overall wellbeing? Do you feel compelled to help them with their problems and “make things right”? You may even have over committed yourself a couple of times in your need to help people or felt anxious on their behalf when they’re in a pickle.

If these scenarios sound familiar to you, you might just have a codependent personality. Codependent individuals often display the characteristics of a caretaker in their relationships, while neglecting their own needs and wants in the process. They tend to prioritize others’ needs over their own, and tend to minimize their feelings. Consequently, they may end up feeling unappreciated or used by others without realizing that they’ve developed an unhealthy pattern of self-abandonment.  

Fear of Abandonment

Speaking of abandonment, this is another common theme in the lives of people who are codependent. When you have a codependent personality, you may have a deep-seated fear of abandonment. Because deep down you believe that your friends or partner would leave you if you don’t adhere to a certain demeanor, you make maximum efforts ensuring that the relationship doesn’t end due to those reasons.

Here’s the thing; though. The other person may not even have indicated in any way that they’re dissatisfied with a particular habit of yours or implied “leaving”. However, codependency can have you hiding your real feelings, lying, and engaging in other unhealthy behaviors to ensure that your relationship doesn’t end. You may even support them in their unhealthy behaviors for this very reason.

friends hanging out

Control Issues

Another sign of codependency is the urge to control everything. From trying to control people’s thoughts and behaviors to controlling events and other situations, codependent individuals often exhibit this trait. This may be caused due to them feeling out of control in other areas of their lives.

Have you found yourself in similar situations, trying to control things to the point of obsession? You may have provoked people’s anger while doing so. If you struggle to let things flow naturally and feel the urge to control even the minutest details, it’s a sign of a codependent personality.

Blossom Hypnosis provides hypnosis sessions in Rochester, NY, to help individuals in setting boundaries. The subconscious mind healing techniques implemented in these sessions are extremely effective in addressing codependent relationships. Speak with her online via Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime, or in-person in New York.

Get in touch by filling out the contact form here.

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