Hypnosis 101: 5 Situations Hypnosis Can Be Effective Against

In the past few decades, there have been numerous developments in the area of human wellness and mental health. Among the many techniques and methodologies that have evolved, hypnosis is something that has proven to be particularly effective.

Hypnosis can be used as standalone treatment as well as to supplement therapy one may be receiving. It has also proven to help individuals overcome milestones that even conventional therapy may struggle with.

We’re going to elaborate on some situations where hypnosis can be particularly useful.

Bad Habits, Compulsive and Addiction

One of the things that ties bad habits, addiction and compulsive behavior together is that the individual struggling is unable to break out of the undesirable pattern consciously. This is because most compulsive behaviors be it addiction or simple nail biting are a symptom of deeper subconscious distress.

It is sometimes hard to address such distress overtly using means such as talk therapy. Hypnosis is useful because it allows individuals to address the compulsion subconsciously where it stems.

Sleep Disorders

Complications relating to sleep include everything from sleepwalking and sleep paralysis to disturbed sleep and insomnia. Though chronic insomnia can be fairly complicated to deal with, hypnosis when coupled with other treatments can help individuals relax, which in turn helps with sleep.

When it comes to addressing disturbed sleep as well as sleepwalking, hypnosis can be extremely potent. It equips the individual with internal resources that aid with sleep consistency.


Phobias stem from unpleasant experiences that are, more often than not, lost in memory. Due to this, you cannot really work with or address a phobia using conscious frontal lobe reasoning. Hypnosis is extremely effective because like with addiction, it offers a means to get under the conscious layers of one’s psyche and directly address what lies beneath.

It can be used to identify the root cause of a phobia and reprogram how the mind responds to certain stimuli.

Self-Esteem Issues

Low self-esteem is something that can really reduce the quality of a person’s life. What is worse is that low self-esteem often has little to do with one’s present accomplishments or standing.  Again the root cause of low self-esteem lies deep within the subconscious mind and often relates to past experiences – usually interactions with authority figures.

Hypnosis can be used to quell the inner voice that tells a person they are not good enough and replace the same with messages that are healthier for their self-esteem.

Psychological Blocks

We are all blessed with talents; however, due to certain psychological blocks, many of us remain incapable of tapping in to our true potential. Hypnosis is a great way to get past one’s own psychological blocks, access talents and apply the same in day to day life.

In a sense, it can help with overall improvement on the personal front.

Winding Down

There are other complications that hypnosis can help with as well. Apart from the situations elaborated on above, it has also effective when working with depression, weight loss and fear of expressing emotions.

If you feel there is something you wish to work on using hypnosis, feel free to connect with us for a consultation or to learn more about our services offered via Skype.

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