Fear of the Dark: Why Do I Still Sleep With the Lights On?

Do you know anyone who sleeps with the lights on? More specifically, an adult who is afraid of the dark? Are you someone like that yourself, perhaps? The first thing you should know is that the formal term for fear of the dark is nyctophobia and yes it is very real.

Nyctophobia is common in young children; however, it is also something that most people outgrow and are over by the time they reach adulthood. Others, however, struggle with this fear well into their adult life. The question is; why is this so and what can be done about it?

Why Adults are Afraid of the Dark

Experts are still unclear as to why exactly many adults never get over their fear of the dark. So far the prevalence of nyctophobia in adults has been attributed to overprotective or anxious parenting, childhood traumas or stressful events and genetics.

Though the reasons why people suffer from nyctophobia may vary, the symptoms are more or less the same.

What Symptoms are we Talking About?

If you’re someone who struggles with nyctophobia, you probably know how terribly inconvenient it can be and that’s putting it lightly. Nyctophobia can manifest physically as well as emotionally with symptoms akin to a panic attack.

Physical symptoms felt include breathlessness, palpitations, sweating, acidity and chest constriction. Emotional or psychological symptoms include immense fear, a desire to run or escape and a very real sense of not being alone or being watched.

The trouble with all this is that nyctophobia can result in further sleep disorders and a general deterioration of one’s health. Further, having to contend with something like nyctophobia might not be the best from a social standpoint.

The question is, can anything be done about it?

Hypnosis to Treat Nyctophobia 

You may already know that one of the things that hypnosis is highly effective against is treating phobias. Fear of the dark is quite literally another phobia. Apart from attempting to address the phobia at its root or at the point in one’s memory where it might have manifested, hypnotism equips people with the ability to calm themselves.

Hypnosis works by relaxing the individual, addressing the anxiety associated with the phobia and attempting to reframe the memory or experience that may have resulting in nyctophobia.

When Can I get Started?

If you’re struggling with nyctophobia and have tried other methods to address the same, maybe it’s time to give hypnotism a go.

Our center in Pittsford, NY offers hypnotism to address numerous concerns including anxiety, depression, self-esteem and phobias. You can schedule an in-person session or you can even opt to have a session conducted over Skype from the comfort of your own home! Get in touch with us, have a look at our services and let’s get to work on that nyctophobia!

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