3 Signs Your Loved One May Have PTSD

Up to 8 million adults experience post-traumatic stress disorder annually. A traumatic episode or injury can cause one to develop this psychological disorder which can have lifelong effects.

How can you tell if someone you know is going through PTSD? Here’s what you should watch out for.

They Avoid People & Places

Has your friend been MIA lately? Have you noticed them canceling plans at the last minute or coming up with the most absurd excuses to get out of meeting people? While we all have days when we don’t feel like going out and being surrounded by people, if this has been happening too often, something’s not quite right.

Don’t take their cancellations personally. It may be a sign of PTSD.

People who experience PTSD often display avoidance. They may refrain from being at certain places, in specific scenarios, or around certain individuals that may bring back traumatic memories. They’ll do their best to stay as far away from everyone and everything that makes them think of their traumatic memory. In fact, they may even avoid people and places that have nothing to do with the event. You may also notice them straying away from certain topics and avoiding talking about them.

They’re Always Jumpy

It isn’t uncommon for someone with PTSD to feel anxious or jumpy way too often. They may appear to be on edge all the time and get easily startled. You may think that they’re overly anxious “for no apparent reason”, but this is exactly how someone with PTSD often exhibits their symptoms. They experience hyperarousal and are extremely receptive to their environment.

If you notice that your loved one is constantly nervous, gets triggered quickly, or is frightened of sudden movements or loud noises, it may be because of their PTSD. They’re hypersensitive to their surroundings and may get stressed, afraid, or angry suddenly. This typically happens when something reminds them of their traumatic memory and makes them feel as if they’re in danger. These symptoms also make it difficult for them to go about their daily tasks and hinder their concentration.

Behavioral Changes

You may also notice that your loved one is behaving differently than they did before. For instance, if they were extremely focused previously, they may now be having trouble concentrating. They may also react to situations differently and have aggressive or angry outbursts.

This change in behavior is linked to their hyperarousal. The heightened emotions they’re experiencing are causing them to act differently and uncharacteristically. If you observe your loved one acting strangely or doing and saying things they didn’t before, it may be a sign of PTSD.

PTSD can be managed and alleviated through the use of hypnosis. Rekha Shrivastava at Blossom Hypnosis uses subconscious mind healing techniques to help treat psychological disorders, anxiety, and phobias.

Book a Skype consultation with her today or visit her clinic in Pittsford, NY.






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