Overcoming Incompetence II: How Do I Stop Making the Same Mistakes?

In our previous blog, we looked at what causes us to make the same mistake twice (or multiple times). Here, we’ll be discussing what can be done to prevent this scenario and keep us from repeating our errors time and again.

Identify the Mistake

You can’t solve a problem unless you know what it is that you’re trying to fix in the first place. This applies to your mistakes as well. Only when you acknowledge your mistake for what it is, can you go forward with resolving it.

Be careful of how you organize your thoughts regarding this, as it’ll influence how you reflect upon the behavior. For instance, if you write it off as a trivial instance which apparently has no damaging consequences, you’re likely to do it again.

Similarly, if you don’t put in much effort to articulate how exactly you got there and what it led to, you won’t be recognizing the mistake to its fullest.

Develop Prevention Strategies

Now that you’ve identified where you’re going wrong, it’s time to find a way to prevent that from happening. Let’s assume that you regularly have to stay back at work after office hours are officially over because you’re not done with your work yet. What’s causing you to not be done on time? Is there anything you’re doing that’s leading to this?

For instance, maybe you’re taking longer lunch breaks and are unable to catch up your pace once you resume work. Or perhaps you’re sleeping late every night, causing you to be inactive and groggy the next day. When you know what’s causing you to slip up, you can then strategize your next move.

Depending on your exact circumstances, you now need a customized prevention strategy that’s both realistic and lets you reflect upon your mistake.

Think of the example from the previous blog, about you going back to the restaurant that made you ill. Their food isn’t the healthiest and you know it, so what can you do to avoid temptation? Perhaps you can prepare a home-cooked meal instead, or look for other options nearby that offer similar food options.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a track of your activities helps you stay informed and aware of your mistakes. Get into the habit of keeping a diary and jot down your day’s activities. This will help you record both your wins as well as your mistakes, and help you work more ambitiously toward your goal.

If you slip up, you can track down what led to you making that mistake again through your journal. It’ll also enable you to see your progress along the way.

Rekha Shrivastava at Blossom Hypnosis helps individuals struggling with self-sabotaging behavior through hypnosis, using effective self-esteem enhancement strategies. Her hypnotic treatment is especially useful for individuals who keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Book a free consultation today! You can also schedule an appointment via Skype.





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