Low-Maintenance Cleaning Tips for Those with Depression

Depression can interfere with your ability to function as you should and result in isolation, social withdrawal, and other self-destructive behaviors.

One way you may be able to cope with this dark phase of your life is by adopting a physical routine that will help improve your overall health.

Taking care of the little things like keeping things tidy, exercising regularly, and limiting stress in your life might help you feel slightly better every day.

So, if you want to regain your self-esteem and feel better about yourself, here are some low-maintenance cleaning tips to take care of things around the house.

1. Start small

You know the saying “a little goes a long way.” This applies to all areas of life, including cleaning your home.

You don’t need to tackle the entire house cleaning at once — but if you are willing to make an effort, you’ll be more motivated if you take on one room at a time.

There’s also no need to spend hours on end cleaning when you have time constraints. Even a few small changes can significantly impact your mood, especially if you’re dealing with depression or anxiety.

2. Prepare a list

Make a list of everything that needs to be done and then prioritize it in order of importance. When you’re done with the tasks, go through each item and start with the smallest and easiest tasks.

Also, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to other family members or friends who can help out too! This is especially helpful if you’re having trouble finding the motivation to get things done on your own!

3. Put things away

Don’t let things sit around for too long without being used — this is how clutter builds up in the first place!

However, it’s also important to not force yourself to clean the home while feeling down or upset. It will only make things worse. Permit yourself to impromptu breaks in between the tasks.  

4. Keep your home smelling good

Keep the air clean by using an air purifier or air freshener with essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and lemon, as well as cinnamon and clove. These scents have been shown to help improve moods when used in the home environment.

5. Stay positive

Lastly, whenever you’re feeling down about your housekeeping abilities, try to focus on the positive aspects of your surroundings instead of what needs doing next.

For example, look around at how pretty everything looks in your home instead of focusing on all the dirty dishes piling up in the sink.

If you want help to overcome the feeling of depression and emptiness, reach out to Blosson Hypnosis.

Rekha Shrivatastava is a certified hypnosis expert who believes in the power of the mind and offers hypnotherapy for procrastination, along with subconscious mind healing techniques to help treat depression and anxiety in Rochester, NY.

You can also call us at 585-281-2988 to schedule an appointment.

Not ready to schedule an appointment? Learn how self-hypnosis can start your recovery from PTSD and depression.

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