It’s not often when renowned writers share some tidbits of their seemingly elusive past in the form of writing—fiction mostly. Talk about love lost, struggles undertaken, and mistakes made are…
Cognitive Healing Posts
Take a look at these facts about stress: About 70-90% of all clinic visits are due to stress related issues. Chronic, untreated stress often leads to severe emotional disorder. Stress…
Did you every wet your bed as a child? You may have. Why do we then consider it shameful or embarrassing when our own child wets the bed? A bedwetting…
You won’t be able to understand why your loved one takes eight flights of stairs every day at work instead of the perfectly functional elevators. You won’t be able to…
Exam stress is real. It tests a student’s knowledge and skills. However, is anything being done to test the coping ability of students dealing with stress? According to Childline, kids…
People with the goal to lose weight have no patience for exercising or diet control. They want results, and they want it fast! Quick weight-loss isn’t a long term solution,…
We all live in a world in which we interact with our family, friends, neighbors, and community, at large. When we interact with others, we form opinions, judgments and biases…
“My phobia of closed spaces stops me from using the elevator at work. While this isn’t a big deal for some people, it has become a huge and daily ordeal…
Previously classified as an impulse control disorder, now according to the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, hair-pulling is categorized as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This disorder may affect…