Roughly 21 million Americans have a drug or alcohol-related addiction, yet only 10% of them seek treatment for it, which is quite alarming, seeing alcohol abuse, in particular, can inflict everlasting…
Cognitive Healing Posts
Hollywood and other movie industries have played a major role in misrepresenting the practice of hypnosis by showing it as downright evil and manipulative or a quick fix to many…
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder among Americans, with around 30% of adults reporting short-term, and 10% reporting chronic insomnia. The disorder itself is described as an inability to…
Emotional eating is characterized by eating not to satiate hunger but to distract from or soothe negative feelings. If you eat for the sole purpose of suppressing negativity several times a…
Performance anxiety, or stage fright, is characterized by feelings of stress, dread, and subconscious anxiety related to performing in front of an audience. People suffering from it may be unsure about…
It’s not uncommon for mental health specialists to diagnose depression while treating anxiety. The two often go hand-in-hand in the 36.9% of American adults that do seek treatment for an anxiety…
According to research, skin picking disorder affects an astounding 1 in 20 people. While the condition is found in both men and women, it’s more common among women. As a…
If you love collecting items, you may have jokingly called yourself a hoarder on numerous occasions. Today, this term is used lightly across the globe. However, the act of hoarding…
Forgetfulness affects millions of people across the globe. While the condition starts off at a mild level that doesn’t affect the person and those around them, it can quickly take…
In her 1995 book Toxic People, Dr. Lillian Glass, an expert in communication and psychology, came up with the term ‘toxic relationship’ to describe a dynamic where one or both…