Hypnosis For PTSD: New Uses And Examples For PTSD Treatment

Dealing with the stress caused by a traumatic event can feel crippling. Abuse during childhood or domestic violence can leave a lasting effect on the receiver’s mind.

However, not everyone with PTSD is aware of what they’re dealing with. A person who was abused in their formative years may have grown up with PTSD without even knowing about it. If you’re wondering about how you can manage your PTSD better, here are some new treatments you should know about:

Hypnosis Can Help You Relax

According to recent research, PTSD consists of four groups of symptoms like intrusive throughs, flashbacks of traumatic events, and nightmares. With these symptoms, you may also experience concentration difficulties, insomnia, restlessness, and hypervigilance. And the last symptom is dissociation, in which you may wish to stay away from all stimuli associated with the traumatic event.

Hypnosis can help you reach a stage of relaxation that can help diminish these symptoms extensively. So, your hypnotist can begin work to address your PTSD with suggestive techniques.

Hypnosis Can Help You Recognize Triggers  

So, all of the aforementioned symptoms and their aspects overlap with the main treatment process under hypnosis, which includes dissociation, suggestibility, and absorption. Out of these, hypnosis has the strongest link with dissociation. During the hypnotic trance state, the patient may be able to view the traumatic event as seen by an outsider rather than as a personal experience. However, in dissociation, the hypnotist can help recognize triggers so that they can help you reduce your reactions to the common triggers.

They can now also restructure your memories positively to help reduce your trauma.

It Can Help Curb Your Adverse Reaction To Traumatic Stimuli

According to new studies, PTSD patients often have high hypnotizability. Your state of mind narrows, and you develop dissociation from the event. This influences how you store the memories and retrieve them. Often, the memories can be accessed when the person is in a completely relaxed state, which you can reach by taking a Xanax before bed.

Hypnosis can help you achieve a similar relaxed state to confront your event in a safe environment. With repeated attempts, the severity of your reaction will decrease until the stimulus is no longer a strong trigger.

Get In Touch With Blossom Hypnosis To Learn About Hypnosis For PTSD In Rochester, NY

If you’re looking for an experienced hypnotist to help you with PTSD, Blossom Hypnosis can help you.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about our hypnosis programs on weight loss, treating anxiety and depression, drug addiction, and other conditions. Call us now to book an appointment. Learn how self-hypnosis can help you recover from PTSD and depression.

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