How C-PTSD Can Take Over Your Life

Complex PTSD, or C-PTSD for short, is one of the most severe psychological conditions that affect around 0.5% of the population. Similar to PTSD itself, C-PTSD can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms and complications that affect your day-to-day life and leave you feeling overwhelmed and unable to carry out certain tasks and functions.

Some of the biggest challenges that come with living with C-PTSD0–which, unlike PTSD, results from multiple instances of trauma and may have several different triggers–include:

You can’t be around crowds and people

Being around crowds, large numbers of people, and being stuck in crowded or stuffy places may result in you feeling overwhelmed and hypervigilant. It may exhibit itself in trying to avoid danger, both perceived and real, and trying to manage a sense of fear that may present itself. You might mistake this as paranoia, but this is different.

Flashbacks or just reliving the past

Another common symptom of C-PTSD is being stuck in the past or experiencing flashbacks. It may be difficult to be present in the now, or to experience events that are happening around you. This can leave you feeling dissociative and disconnected or make it very difficult to move past the flashbacks and come back to the now.

You’re always on edge and defensive

Feeling anxious is another common symptom that C-PTSD sufferers cope with on a daily basis. Always worrying about the worst possible outcome or dealing with the fear that something is going to go wrong at any given moment is exhausting. You may also be experiencing anxiety and depression, as well as other co-existing mental health conditions that are commonly associated with C-PTSD.

It’s hard to feel positive feelings and emotions

In addition to the above, it can get difficult to even experience positive emotions such as joy and happiness. Feelings of guilt, shame, distrust, anger are more predominant than other emotions. It’s overwhelming, to say the least and can dampen your life’s positive experiences and appreciate these feelings and emotions as they come.

Work with hypnosis expert Rekha Shrivastava on subconscious mind healing techniques and regain control over your mental and physical well-being. We’re here to empower and guide you to find healing, manage triggers, and work on how to get rid of subconscious fear that could be hurting you and holding you back. Contact us to schedule an appointment today and get the help you deserve.

Rekha offers in-person sessions for local clients residing in Rochester, NY, and online sessions to clients residing out of state or foreign countries. Book a consultation here.

Learn how self-hypnosis can help you recover from PTSD and depression.

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