Key Benefits Of Hypnosis For Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues in the United States, affecting over 18% of the adult population or 40 million Americans each year. Other common mental health issues, depression, and major depressive disorder are the leading cause of disability in the US for people between the ages of 15 to 44.

Since the pandemic, the prevalence of anxiety and depression in the United States has increased exponentially, and a higher percentage of the population is at risk of developing these common mental health issues.

Fortunately, these mental health disorders can be managed and treated with various effective treatments and therapies such as hypnotherapy, among others.

How Does Hypnosis Treatment For Anxiety And Depression Work?

Medical hypnotherapy leverages the power of the subconscious mind and removes all distractions from the mind of the patient. This allows the patient to talk freely and clearly about their personal habits that need attention and the triggers that cause anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy uses a clean approach by avoiding any drugs or chemicals and encourages the patient to enter a state of deep relaxation to reduce the symptoms of anxiety or depression. The hypnotherapist offers calming suggestions that are readily accepted by the patient due to their relaxed state.

Benefits Of Hypnosis For Anxiety And Depression

Here are some of the main benefits of hypnosis for anxiety and depression and why it is becoming a popular and effective treatment option for various mental health issues:

  • Allows the patients to remain emotionally balanced while increasing their ability to focus during stressful situations.
  • Increases the patient’s ability to detach themselves from bad habits and obsessive/destructive behaviors such as substance abuse and smoking, which can increase anxiety and depressive symptoms.
  • Encourages a more positive worldview and allow the patients to feel more in control of their life.
  • Reduces symptoms associated with major depressive disorders and anxiety by forming new conditions for personal empowerment.

Book a Professional Hypnotherapy For Anxiety & Depression

Like any physical health problem that you seek treatment for, mental health issues also require the right treatment and plenty of self-love to help you get better. Rekha Shrivastava is a leading hypnotist with over 20 years of experience and uses hypnosis to tap into the power of the unconscious mind. Using hypnosis, she can treat various mental illnesses and helps her clients learn how to express their feelings in a healthy way.

Schedule a virtual hypnosis session with Rekha today or book a free, no-obligation consultation for more information. Learn how self-hypnosis can help you recover from PTSD and depression.

One Comment

  1. Luke Smith said:

    It’s great that you talked about how anxiety hypnotherapy could encourage a more positive worldview and allow the patients to feel more in control with their life. It seems my aunt is having some anxiety issues and it is affecting her everyday life. We want her to get better so we should probably have her consult with a professional.

    August 11, 2022

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