How Hypnosis Can Benefit Those with ADHD

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), also referred to as ADD, is a common but little-understood medical condition. It’s most prevalent among children, with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reporting that 9.4% of American children between the ages of 2 and 17 have been diagnosed with the disorder. The symptoms of ADHD include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Short attention span
  • Challenges with concentration
  • Impulsivity
  • Hyperactivity

While the conventional ADHD treatments involve a combination of medication and psychotherapy, it’s worth noting that people have varying responses to different forms of treatment. Therefore, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to treating the disorder. Furthermore, many ADHD medications also produce various side effects, ranging from irritability and reduced appetite to insomnia and anxiety.

Research on alternate forms of ADHD treatments has revealed that therapies such as hypnosis can help patients improve concentration, focus, and reduce stress levels. A clinical study published in the Public Library of Science discovered that “hypnotic suggestions have an effect on reaction times in the sustained attention task both in adult ADHD patients and control subjects”.

But what are the specific benefits hypnosis offers for ADHD? Well, let’s find out.

It Can be Used to Plant Positive Ideas into the Mind

Hypnosis allows adults and children with ADHD to hone their concentration, attentiveness, focus, and control their symptoms—without having to rely on any pharmaceuticals. Most ADHD drugs are designed to only alleviate the symptoms of the disorder, rather than addressing its root cause, which is exactly why therapy will always be the safest and most effective way of controlling ADHD.

It Addresses the Source of the Problem

Although the subconscious is one of the most powerful parts of the mind, it’s rarely used to its full potential. Hypnosis provides direct access to the subconscious and can be used not only to plant positive ideas, but also to condition the way individuals think about their compulsions and symptoms.

Whether it’s for an adult or a child, hypnosis can be an effective way to address the root challenges of ADHD. It goes directly into the mind, which is where the disorder originates.

How We Can Help

ADHD patients who’re seeking natural alternative treatments can always consider hypnosis treatment. Our expert hypnotist, Rekha Shrivastava specializes in working with everything from anxiety and phobias to helping individuals connect with personal resources and improve self-confidence. She also offers hypnotherapy for conditions like depression and ADHD.

Book a free consultation at our office in Pittsford. Rekha also offers Skype sessions for clients not residing in Rochester, NY.

Not ready to book an appointment? Learn how self-hypnosis can help you recover from PTSD and depression.

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