Emotional Eating And Weight Gain – How Hypnosis Can Help

“You should diet or exercise. Doesn’t your excess weight bother you?”

“No! It doesn’t bother me.”

Anyone having this conversation would have trouble accepting it. How could anyone be happy with being overweight? This is something no man or woman can even imagine! But there are some individuals who don’t see any issue in being overweight. It’s not that they are too fond of large portions of cheesy pasta, nor do they particularly hate using the treadmill.

Some people actually think of their excess weight as a shield.

Healthy Weight Loss – How Effective Will It Be If Our Mind Is Not On Weight Loss?

1Advice and how-to tips found in magazines, websites and books can be helpful when it comes to guiding people towards healthy weight loss. Not only can individuals find the motivation, willpower, knowledge and tools of effective weight loss but with a bit of effort they can keep it off!

However, even the best advice on healthy weight loss won’t help with much if the mind isn’t present on the idea of losing weight.

As stated above, some individuals wear their excess weight as an armor or shield. Why? Until the answers aren’t found, healthy weight loss won’t help much. You won’t even TRY to lose weight!

Why Do Some People Think Their Weight Is A Shield?

A traumatic event in the past, usually in the form of abuse, may be responsible for this thinking in some over-weight individuals. Psychologists determine their weight helps create an impenetrable barrier from the outside, ‘cruel’ world.

For some however, excess weight and obesity is the direct result of emotional eating. Such people find it difficult to cope with their broken relationships, uncertain futures, and haywire emotions. The only outlet to the resulting depression, anxiety and confusion is emotional eating.

Emotional Hunger Can’t Be Filled With Food

2Yes, eating may feel good and even right at the moment; but the truth is, you’ll feel far worse afterwards when the food is all gone.

Why? The feelings that triggered such a response weren’t addressed! You’ll feel guilty about the extra calories consumed and powerless to stop such a reaction from taking place again. Naturally you’ll turn to food again and this cycle will continue. Weight gain is inevitable.

Learn The Signs – Are You An Emotional Eater?

You should consult with Rekha Shrivastava about how hypnosis can help you lose weight if the following rings too close to home.

  • Do you eat when you are hungry or when you have eaten already?
  • Do you eat more or larger portions when feeling stressed?
  • Do you eat depending on your mood? That is, do you eat to feel better?
  • Do you reward yourself with food? Do you feel you have earned that extra slice of cake?
  • Does food make you feel safe? Do you think food is your friend?

It takes incredible willpower to accept help, but the end result is definitely worth it. Take help from hypnosis today. If you’re looking to lose weight in Rochester, get help from hypnosis today

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