Communicating with the Subconscious Mind: The Power of Hypnosis

While it may be impossible to pin down a clear-cut definition of “consciousness,” the general understanding amongst the scientific and medical community as well as the general public is that it is an individual’s normal conscious state. That is, the state in which we spend the majority of our waking hours.

An altered conscious state, or hypnotic state, is one in which you can clearly feel a qualitative shift in your patterns of mental functioning. Hypnosis, a deep, dreamlike state, can allow you to communicate with your subconscious mind. But what does that entail?

Well, we’ve put together this piece to explore just that. Take a look.

Understanding Hypnosis

According to a study published in the journal Palliative Care: Research and Treatment, hypnosis can be viewed as a waking state of awareness (or consciousness) in which an individual’s attention is detached from their immediate environment and is instead absorbed by inner experiences like cognition, imagery, and feelings. It is a meditative state which a person can consciously and deliberately learn to access for therapeutic purposes.

A therapist conducting hypnosis on a patient

Communicating with the Subconscious

Through hypnosis, we can learn to tap into our subconscious to unlearn bad habits and develop new and better ones. We can draw from our subconscious to stop being passive observers and participants in our own lives.

Here’s how you can use hypnosis to communicate with your subconscious:

  • Recognize the power of your words: The first thing you need to do is to become aware of how you behave, which means how you act, speak, and relate to others. Ask yourself whether you fear you won’t fit in, whether you feel unsure if someone is being honest with you, etc. Once you answer these, you need to avoid negative self-talk.
  • Reach into your subconscious: Close your eyes and let yourself go within. Once you center yourself, open your eyes and look straight into a mirror and focus on your eyes. Think the following: I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I know you. I am who you will be.
  • Move toward what’s good for you and away from what isn’t: When you connect with your subconscious, you help strengthen your resolve to move toward what’s good for you and away from what isn’t.

Rekha Shrivastava is a certified rehabilitation counselor and hypnotist specializing in subconscious mind healing techniques. We offer hypnosis sessions to tackle personal problems, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and phobia.

We are based in Rochester, NY and offer a free consultation in-person for locals and via Zoom or Skype for clients based elsewhere.

Not ready to book an appointment? Learn how self-hypnosis can help you recover from PTSD and depression.

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