3 Signs You’re In A Codependent Relationship

You’ve always been the type of person who gives it their all. Whether it was school, your job, or loved ones, you’ve always been known to give it your 100 percent.

And when it comes to your partner, you’ve always gone out of you way to make them feel comfortable, safe, and secure.

But you also find yourself excessively emotionally dependent on them. You’re afraid to express your fears and emotions. You’re constantly worried about not being good enough. You’re constantly worried that they’ll leave you for someone else.

While we’ve all heard of codependent relationships, we’re often in denial that it can happen to the best of us.

So, are you in a codependent relationship? Here are a few signs you should look out for:

1. Your Relationship Is Unbalanced

If your partner is going through a tough time, it’s understandable that you’re their rock during their time of need. But if this is always the case and your efforts are never appreciated, it’s a sign of codependency.

You always find yourself being their pillar of support. But when it comes to your own emotional needs, your partner isn’t able to provide you with the support you need. You often feel like the relationship’s balance is 70/30.

2. You Feel Responsible For Their Actions

When you have an argument, you feel like you’re the one at fault, even though they’re in the wrong. You feel like you could have done something to prevent the problem from occurring.

But remember that we can’t control the way someone reacts or how they behave. In a healthy relationship, both partners communicate their needs openly, instead of one partner making all the sacrifices.

3. You Make Excuses For Their Behavior

If you find yourself making excuses for their behavior, you’re in a codependent relationship. While it’s important to understand your partner’s perspective, it’s also important to understand that they’re human, and therefore, vulnerable to making mistakes.

For example, someone who’s in a codependent relationship will justify their partner’s excessive drinking problem as them being stressed out or overwhelmed.

They will also doubt themselves and find it difficult to trust their own instincts. People in codependent relationships are often scared of being alone or “abandoned” by their partner.

But codependency isn’t just limited to romantic relationships. It can be your family or friends as well.

On the bright side, it’s a learned behavior, meaning that you can get the help you need and deserve.

What Should Your Next Step Be?

Hypnosis is a great way to address behaviors of codependency and low self-esteem. Remember that with the right steps, you can take the initiative and improve your relationship with your loved ones.

There is no shame in seeking help and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We can help you take that step.  

Rekha Shrivastava, our expert hypnotist, specializes in working with individuals in codependent relationships to help them express their emotions better and figure out their needs. She also works with patients who have been diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD to help them get a better understanding of their fears and anxiety.

You can book a free consultation at our office in Pittsford to learn more. Rekha is also available for Skype sessions for those who live outside of Rochester.

Not ready to book an appointment? Learn how self-hypnosis can help you recover from PTSD and depression.

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