Why Am I Always Angry For No Reason?

Are you always feeling angry for no reason? Well, there’s probably a reason that you’re just not aware of yet.

Some of us often have raging fits that seemingly appear out of nowhere and proceed to ruin our entire day. They leave us wondering what’s wrong with us and can be frustrating to the point where we just feel angrier.

If you feel like these bursts of rage are becoming more common than ever, it’s time to try anger management approaches. However, first, you need to figure out why you’re angry.

There Are Triggers You’re Just Unaware Of

If you’re feeling angry, chances are that you’re triggered. In many instances, we actually don’t know what our triggers are, and many people find out about their triggers over time or when they go to therapy.

Triggers aren’t necessarily too in-the-face; they can be very subtle. It could be a smell that brings on bitter nostalgia, or it could be a passing thought caused by a single word or name from the past. The point is, you’re not angry for no reason; you’re angry because of something that happened in the past and still lingers in your subconscious.

You Have an Underlying Anxiety Disorder or Clinic Depression

Another reason that explains your unexplainable anger is underlying depression or anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns, and depression is pretty common too.

If you experience either or both of these mental health conditions, they could explain your outbursts. Very often, anger is a way of us expressing what we feel on the inside. This could be anxiety, frustration, sadness, loneliness, regret, or even hopelessness.

In this case, you need to address the underlying causes and find better coping mechanisms.

You’re Super Stressed

Have you been sleeping and eating well? Many people get angry when they’re just extremely tired. Our mind and body need rest; therefore, when you overexert yourself, you will eventually blow up.

Also, when you’re super stressed, the most subtle triggers are enough to blow you up. If this seems to be the reason behind your out-of-the-blue rage, find ways to de-stress. This could be things like meditation, taking a day off work, and other forms of self-care.

Also, you can try hypnosis for anger management. We offer it at Blossom Hypnosis, where you can also learn how to express feelings healthily and address your depression or anxiety concerns.

Book a consultation to learn more.

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