Signs You’re Struggling with Anxiety

Over 40 million adults in the US struggle with anxiety in its many forms. It’s one of the most prevalent conditions to affect people across the globe and may range from severe to moderate, or even low-grade, depending on the symptoms, triggers, and type.

It may be difficult to recognize unless you’ve been diagnosed or you have some of the more commonly recognized symptoms, which is why it’s crucial that you recognize the most common symptoms and signs of anxiety.

Here are some possible signs that you should look out for:

Feeling on edge all the time

Feeling on edge all the time, without reason or cause to be, could mean you’re struggling with anxiety. There may also be crankiness and irritability and feeling agitated over the smallest things. Don’t ignore or dismiss these feelings or take them lightly, especially if persistent.

Struggling to focus on work

Inattentiveness and trouble focusing are common symptoms of anxiety and can result in difficulty getting tasks done. If you find your mind wandering, lack of attention and interest in work, and the inability to get things done without procrastinating, it may be the result of anxiety. You might also be experiencing restlessness and the constant urge to move about and shift due to the pent-up energy.

You’re always tired and fatigued

Anxiety doesn’t just affect your mental health and condition, but also your physical health. It can show up as fatigue, exhaustion, and tiredness, making it difficult to get things done and go about your day. No amount of rest and sleep can combat the racing thoughts and obsessive ideas that are going through your mind.

Your muscles constantly feel tense

As mentioned above, anxiety also affects your physical well-being and health and can manifest as muscle tension too. Notice how your neck and shoulders feel, the way your jaw tenses up, or the onset of tension headaches and the rest of your body.

Get in touch with us to schedule a free consultation with Rekha Shrivastava, who can help you improve your mental and emotional health. Not only do we perform hypnosis for ADHD and anxiety but also how to get rid of subconscious fear that could be impacting your life. Contact us to schedule an appointment today and work with our expert for hypnosis and treatment.

“Rekha offers in-person sessions for local clients residing in Rochester, NY, and online sessions to clients residing out of state or foreign countries. Book a consultation here.”

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