Living in Fear: How Toxic Fear Can Hold Us Back

Though the emotion of fear might not always be a pleasant one, psychological research suggests that it is both healthy and necessary for survival. It might just have been fear that ensured the survival of the human race and fear responses are evident in all living creatures.

As with most emotions and feelings however, fear too can sometimes be unhealthy. When does fear get unhealthy? When does fear become toxic? Let us elaborate.

The Difference between Healthy and Toxic Fear 


Being afraid of wrestling a rabid dog is understandable and healthy. Being afraid of walking up to a street gang late at night for no good reason is healthy.

Having a fear of taking a new route home from work, not so much. Having a fear of introducing yourself to a colleague, also problematic. You get the picture?

What we’re saying is fear that serves a purpose primarily that of self-preservation is understandable and healthy. On the flip side, if you’re afraid more often than not and about things that are not necessarily threatening in anyway, you could class that as toxic fear.

How Does it Get in the Way

Toxic fear is, simply put, a hindrance to living a complete and fulfilling life. You might have deep feelings for someone but literally never express how you feel for fear of rejection or humiliation.

You might have the potential to be a phenomenal musician but never practice your instrument of choice long enough for fear of failing despite. You might miss out on a life changing holiday out of fear that it will be too much of a hassle in every way.

We could go on but you probably get the idea. Fear if left unchecked, gets in the way and holds us back!

So What Does One Do?

If you feel that the fear you experience is less like the healthy sort and more crippling, it’s okay. There are others who feel similar and better yet, there are ways in which you can address it.

It helps to explore the roots of your fears through therapy or through group work. Hypnosis treatment is also extremely effective when it comes to working with the roots of emotions such as crippling fear, anxiety, depression and more.

If you’re interested in the above, feel free to connect with us for more information or to schedule a physical or Skype appointment right away! Remember – you’re the master of your fears!



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