Anxiety Identifiers: Know When You Need Help

Do you constantly worry or get scared? Do you frequently feel your heart pumping or palms sweating? We hate to break it to you, but you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder. But don’t worry—you’re not alone in this.

Nearly 40 million adults in the US are affected by an anxiety disorder, making it one of the most prevalent disorders in the US. Anxiety can be debilitating, but the good news is that you can overcome your anxiety and manage it effectively with the right treatment.

Looking out for the symptoms is the first step. In this blog, we’ll discuss some common signs and symptoms of anxiety that’ll help you identify if you need professional help.

Excessive Worrying

Excessive worrying is the most common symptom of an anxiety disorder—it’s when you start worrying about the most mundane day-to-day situations and activities.

If this worrying is uncontrolled and goes on for more than six months, the person may have a generalized anxiety disorder. You won’t be able to concentrate on your daily tasks and will constantly be in a state of severe worry.

Feeling Agitated

Your nervous system goes into overdrive when you’re anxious. You start experiencing shaky hands, racing heartbeat, dry mouth, and sweaty palms because your brain believes you’re in danger and starts preparing your body to respond to the threat.

Your blood flow to the muscles increases in case you need to fight or run, which increases your heart rate. 

These responses will be of great help if you’re ever facing a serious threat but can be sapping if the fear is just in your head.


Restlessness is a common symptom of anxiety, particularly among teens and children. It’s often described as an uncomfortable urge to move constantly. You can’t sit still in a place and want to keep moving. It can also lead to restless leg syndrome.


Do you experience fatigue frequently? It’s time you visit a professional because you may have a generalized anxiety disorder. Some people might experience fatigue almost all the time, while for some, it can follow after an anxiety attack.

However, fatigue can also point toward depression or other medical issues, so fatigue alone is not enough to diagnose an anxiety disorder.

If you’re looking for ways to treat your anxiety, hypnosis can be of great help! At Blossom Hypnosis, we help you manage your anxiety disorder with the most effective and safe hypnotic sessions.

From smoking cessation, weight loss, codependency, improving memory to treating subconscious anxiety, we provide solutions to all your problems. We also offer online consultations and sessions for your convenience.

Contact us now to get rid of those debilitating panic attacks!

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